Soldier of Fortune Cheats

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    Tags: Soldier of Fortune Cheats, Soldier of Fortune Cheat Codes, Soldier of Fortune Hints, Soldier of Fortune Secrets
    Platform: PC

    Soldier of Fortune Cheats (For Demo)
    On The shortcut (or command line) to the game "+set console 1" to the end of the location. Now in-game press the ` key to access the console where you can enter these codes for the following:

    * \cheats 1: Activates cheat mode (Must be entered first)
    * god: Godmode
    * Notarget: Enemies can't see you
    * spawn item_weapon_pistol2 : desert eagle
    * spawn item_weapon_assault_rifle : uzi
    * spawn item_weapon_sniper_rifle : sniper rifle
    * spawn item_weapon_machinegun : heavymachinegun
    * spawn ammo_weapon_(see above)
    * spawn m_nyc_ebum : woman
    * spawn m_nyc_politician : politician
    * spwn m_nyc_mpunk : male punk

    Soldier of Fortune Binding
    Binding is how you assign a key to an action. This is how you bind:

    *bind (key) (action)

    For example, if I want it so that everytime I press P it automatically turns on God mode I would type:

    *bind p heretic

    You can bind an action/command to any key.

    Soldier of Fortune Enabling the Console (You can't enable cheats or bind keys unless you follow these instructions)
    *Make a shortcut to the SOF.exe on your desktop. Right-click the shortcut and go to PROPERTIES. Once in the properties click on the SHORTCUT tab. In the Target line you will see the path to the directory that you have installed SOF to.

    *It should look something like this: TARGET "C:\(the directory your game is installed in)\sof.exe" Now add the command: +set console 1 to the end of that line. Now it should read like this: TARGET "C:\(the directory your game is installed in)\sof.exe" +set console 1

    *Then click the APPLY button and run the game. Now when you are in a game and you press the tilda (`/~) key the console should appear.

    Soldier of Fortune Cheat Codes
    Cheat Name = Console Command
    God Mode = heretic
    Noclip = phantom
    Notarget = ninja
    Weapontest = elbow
    Altweapontest = bigelbow
    Kill = kill
    Timescale = matrix
    Spawn = gimme

    A Brief Explanation Of The Cheats And Their Origins:
    heretic = Makes you invulnerable to enemies, enemy weapons, explosions and falling damage inside the game. The name is a tribute to Raven's historic Heretic/HeXen franchise of games.

    phantom = Allows you to clip through walls, floors, doors and objects like a ghost.

    ninja = Makes you invisible to the enemies in the game. When ninja mode is on, the enemies and characters all stand around in their idle animations and are oblivious to your presence. Handy for running through levels as a spectator to see where the enemies are placed.

    elbow = Gives you the first 6 weapons in the game and a sizeable chunk of ammunition for each.

    big elbow = Gives you the six big guns in the game and ammunition for them.

    kill = Standard command for Quake II engine games that suicides the player. Best used if you find yourself stuck and unable to move out of an area in multiplayer or other times when you're unable to use the phantom cheat.

    matrix = The matrix command allows you to speed up or slow down the game. The normal speed of the game is 1.0, but you can adjust it to go faster or slower. For example: If I want the game to move at ¼ speed to take some action screenshots, I'd type "timescale .25" at the console.

    gimme = The command to spawn weapons, items, enemies and anything else that can be spawned into the game. As in "gimme, gimme"... "gimme all yo' money"...or "gimme treats without earning them."

    Spawning Weapons:
    Knife * "item_ammo_knife"
    9mm Black Panther "item_weapon_pistol1"
    .44 Silver Talon "item_weapon_pistol2"
    Berzerker Shotgun "item_weapon_shotgun"
    Raptor Submachinegun "item_weapon_assault_rifle"
    EagleEye Sniper Rifle "item_weapon_sniper_rifle"
    Bulldog Suppressed Machinegun "item_weapon_machinepistol"
    Slugthrower "item_weapon_autoshotgun"
    Heavy Machinegun "item_weapon_machinegun"
    Rocket Launcher "item_weapon_rocketlauncher"
    Flamegun "item_weapon_flamethrower"
    Microwave Pulse Gun "item_weapon_microwavepulse"
    * Note: You always have at least 1 knife in your inventory. Using this command will give you extra knives for throwing purposes.

    Spawning Equipment:
    Ballistic Armor "item_equip_armor"
    Flash Pak "item_equip_flashpack"
    Neural Pulse Emitter "item_equip_neural_grenade"
    C4/Plastique "item_equip_c4"
    Angel Light Goggles "item_equip_light_goggles"
    Medkit "item_equip_medkit"
    Frag Grenade "item_equip_grenade"

    Spawning Ammunition:
    Throwing Knives "item_ammo_knife"
    9mm Ammo "item_ammo_pistol"
    Shotgun Rounds "item_ammo_shotgun"
    .44 Pistol Ammo "item_ammo_pistol2"
    5.56 Ammo "item_ammo_auto"
    MPG Ammo "item_ammo_battery"
    Flamegun Ammo "item_ammo_gas"
    Rocket Launcher Rockets "item_ammo_rocket"
    Slugthrower Ammo "item_ammo_slug"

    Spawning Characters and Enemies:
    Bring down the console by pressing the ~ key (default) and use the spawn command (gimme) to bring these enemies into the game world right in front of your eyes. If, for example, you want to spawn a snow cat vehicle from the Siberian mission, you would type "gimme m_x_snowcat" (without the quotes) and hit . Just like that, a snow cat appears in front of you. Here's a list of the vehicles, animals, characters and enemies you can spawn.

    Note: If you want to bind a key to spawn something, just bring down the console (~ key) and type "bind (key you want bound) gimme (enemy name)" (without the quotes) and hit . So if, for example, you want to bind the "s" key to spawn a NYC skinhead, you would type "bind s gimme m_nyc_mskinhead1" (without the quotes) and hit enter. When you put the console back up (~ key), a NYC skinhead will spawn in front of you every time you press "s."



    Generic Characters and Enemies

    Siberia Characters and Enemies

    African Characters and Enemies

    Kosovo Characters and Enemies

    Tokyo Characters and Enemies

    Iraq Characters and Enemies

    Black Raiders

    New York Characters and Enemies

    Soldier of Fortune Warping To Specific Game Levels
    Simply bring down the console with the ~ key (default) and type "map (map name)" (without the quotes) and press . For example: If I wanted to warp to the 2nd Siberia level, I'd bring down the console and type "map sib2" (without the quotes) and press . The loading screen would appear and transport me directly to Siberia 2.

    Note: Warp to levels for entertainment, not level advancement. The game is heavily scripted, and that requires that you actually pass through certain portions of the game by actually playing. This isn't a very good method for going through the game.

    Level Names and order: (31 levels)

    1. TSR1
    2. TSR2 (not really a level, just a cinematic)
    3. TRN1
    4. ARM1
    5. KOS1
    6. KOS2
    7. KOS3
    8. SIB1
    9. SIB2
    10. SIB3
    11. IRQ1A
    12. IRQ2A
    13. IRQ3A
    14. ARM2
    15. NYC1
    16. NYC2
    17. NYC3
    18. SUD1
    19. SUD2
    20. SUD3
    21. ARM3
    22. JPN1
    23. JPN2
    24. JPN3
    25. IRQ1B
    26. IRQ2B
    27. IRQ3B
    28. GER1
    29. GER2
    30. GER3
    31. GER4
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